Phat Matt’s Brewing Company
Phat Matt’s is closed, out of production, retired, gone, no mas.
Sure ya got beer, but how about a tour? How about no.
Where’s Redmond? It’s the town north of Bend, you drive pat it on the way from Portland.
Do they know they spelled fat wrong? It’s not “fat” meaning fat, it’s “phat” meaning “good”.
Got any tips? They should have made better beer. Okay, in all fairness the beer was good when it was good. But you can’t build from bad batches and burnt bridges.
Can I get some tasty beer to go? Nope.
Walk, bike, or drive? How about drive-thru.
Last one – Is there like a locals night or something? If you’re an alley cat, and like dumpster diving, yes.
Beer Geek Out with Below Grade Brewing

Reasons to have raised a pint!
- Batman had nothin on their Phat Mobile!
- One of the founders had an English accent!
- They were [mostly] cool dudes!
- A for Effort!
- Bald guys can brew!

Est. 2011, Clsd. 2013 – Phat chance.
Back when “Phat” Matt Mulder was the chef-owner of Bend’s Bluefish Bistro ( 2004-08), he was known as the king of “molecular gastronomy.” whatever that was. We’re sure it’s the thing that made his craft brew amazing. Mulder (not the x-files one) teamed with partners Paul Mercer (another restaurateur of Kokanee Cafe and Trout House fame), brewer Josh Riggs (previously of Shasta Brewing and Fearless Brewing) and John Foran to make this enterprise happen – and then it all fell apart. Too many cooks in the kitchen? Hmm. Technically these guys were not in Bend, but according to the laws of relativity they were right up the street, in Redmond. Cheers!